We provide high-quality photos and video to give
your listing the attention it deserves.
Turn-Key Productions is a full-service real estate photography and videography company based in South Florida. We offer high-quality photographs and video to help achieve your goal of generating the attention your listing deserves. As we all know, today’s real estate market is dominated by internet viewership. A 2017 survey by the National Association of Realtors revealed that 95% of all homebuyers utilized the internet to search for a new home, and more importantly, the most significant factor dictating a buyer’s opinion of a home (i.e., whether to visit the home) is the on-line imagery contained within a listing. Through the use of professional high-quality photographs, you can elevate your listing above the rest, thereby maximizing the exposure to new prospective buyers (and renters). Turn-Key Productions can offer organized, well-planned, and professional images that will take your listing’s viewers on a personal journey through your home. Please contact us for more information; through a free consultation, we can demonstrate the quality, creativity, and ingenuity of the services we provide.
* * All of the real estate photographs you will see throughout our site were
composed, shot, and edited by our Turn-Key Productions team. * *
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